Monday, December 04, 2006

Bolton resigns from UN!

Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his temporary appointment expires within weeks, the White House said Monday.

Bolton's nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a moderate Republican who lost in the midterm elections Nov. 7 that swept Democrats to power in both houses of Congress, was adamantly opposed to Bolton.

First Rumsfeld, now Bolton.

It is starting off to be a very good year for the Democrats and America. I just hope it continues.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the other Rummy Henchman- Cambone...the one that helped write the Torture rules with Rummy...he is resigning to "spend more time with family".....( which is also what they say when they lawyer up...)

    Yup- it has been a good month- the rats are definently jumping if we could get Unca Dick to jump that would be great...


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