Saturday, April 07, 2007

Another reason to respect John Edwards.

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday pulled out of a second debate co-hosted by Fox News Channel, saying the cable network has a conservative slant.

"We believe there's just no reason for Democrats to give Fox a platform to advance the right-wing agenda while pretending they're objective," said Jonathan Prince, Edwards' deputy campaign manager.

I truly love the fact that John does not mince words when it comes to calling these biased morons on their bullshit. The term "fair and balanced" that the FOX network coined to promote their news programs seems like an inside joke the more you watch these guys cover for the White House and spend air time attacking poor Sandy Berger, who supposedly removed copies of sensitive documents from the National Archives building. Berger has paid a $6,905.00 for this incident, but FOX seems to think that there is some underlying criminal activity heretofore undiscovered.

Yet they just give lip service to huge news stories about the criminality of this administration, the terrible state of the Iraqi war, and the absolute dishonesty shown by this President and his supporters.

They might as well simply tell the American people that they work for the Republican party and stop trying to hide it.

"Come out of the closet FOX news, and let your freak-flag fly!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sure, Fox leans rightward. I watch it some of the time, and listen to Alan Colmes at night on Sirius. It gives me a sense for what the right is thinking and how to counter it (I am a moderate and politically independent) just as NPR and others lean left in their reportage and commentary. Variety is good when there truly are at least "two sides" to most things and hardly anyone is playing it down the middle.

    That said, your "poor Sandy Berger" comment is laughable, and I wonder if you intended it that way. The man has connections six ways from Sunday, and I don't think he's poor in any sense of that word. Poor judgment maybe, and poor at pulling off something shady and/or shaky. But check him out and I think you'll find he's doing just fine.

    I happen to think there ARE some shenanigans involved with Berger's thing, and that BushCo. were lenient because it may be something they'd also rather not have a book written about, for whatever reason ... but maybe I'm wrong about that.

    Doesn't smell right to me yet.


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