Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is Gonzo finally on his way out?

The buzz among top Bushies is that beleaguered Attorney General Alberto Gonzales finally plans to depart and will be replaced by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Why Chertoff? Officials say he's got fans on Capitol Hill, is untouched by the Justice prosecutor scandal, and has more experience than Gonzales did, having served as a federal judge and assistant attorney general.

I am going to file this under "unsubstantiated rumor" at this point.

Perhaps Gonzales has just grown tired of getting his ass handed to him every time he testifies before the Senate. We all know he is going to have to do it again real soon, because he lied last time. I am guessing they would like to talk to him about that.

I find it especially funny that Bush's pool of prospective replacements is so small that the has to take somebody from one job to put into another. It is like "musical cabinet positions".

I wonder who will have to replace Chertoff? Wolfowitz? Rumsfeld? I am damn sure it won't be Colin Powell.

This administration is looking more like the Keystone Kops every day.


  1. ohhhh lordy...when you said you went on the Dark Path were not kidding...I am looking for Holy Water and Garlic while I type...

    Hmmm, Cherry Off might seem like such a nice ....almost innocous choice...but sadly...he has some dark dancing of his own...including a relationship with Bernie...( Bernie Kerik...) and this would indeed be terrible news...although he would probaly love to distance himself with the Katrina Fiasco ( and considering he is as guilty or MORE than Brownie...I would not be shocked if he did shift to another position..)

  2. ahhhh about Chertoff...whelp turns out that he has Experience....BUT he was a part of the Whitewater Hillary might make quite a little stink....


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