Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Muslims would like to respectfully disagree with the Christians on that whole Jesus is the Messiah thing.

There was no manger, Christ is not the Messiah, and the crucifixion never happened. A forthcoming ITV documentary will portray Jesus as Muslims see him.

With the Koran as a main source and drawing on interviews with scholars and historians, the Muslim Jesus explores how Islam honours Christ as a prophet but not as the son of God. According to the Koran the crucifixion was a divine illusion. Instead of dying on the cross, Jesus was rescued by angels and raised to heaven.

Well good it is about time that the Muslims extended the olive branch in an attempt to patch things up with the Christians. I mean how can the Christians get upset with Islam when it holds Jesus in such high regard?

Hee hee, I am such a stinker.

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