Friday, August 31, 2007

NASA is tired of exploring space. Would much rather explore the personal lives of their staff.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientists and engineers sued NASA and the California Institute of Technology on Thursday, challenging extensive new background checks that the space exploration center and other federal agencies began requiring in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

The lawsuit says NASA is violating the Constitution by calling on employees -- everyone from janitors to visiting professors -- to permit investigators to delve into medical, financial and past employment records, and to question friends and acquaintances about everything from their finances to sex lives. Those who refuse could lose their jobs, the suit says.

Do you smell that? Yep that is the smell of something fishy.

Now I am completely supportive of background checks of people who work in national security sensitive jobs. I want to know if they have a gambling problem, a drug problem, an anger problem, or if they are a spy from China. What I don't need to know is if they are gay, straight, into furries, are a transsexual, have a foot fetish, or any other possible sexual proclivity. I just don't care.

As a matter of fact if I had to choose a sexual orientation for the men who have to get a giant phallus to blast off smoothly and on time, I think I know who would be best suited for the job. And it ain't the guy trying to bang the hot chick in accounting!

And if I may take a moment to remind everybody that Lisa Nowak was a straight woman. A crazy, crazy, straight woman.

Hat tip to Skippy for this post.

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