Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Todays Jesus sighting is on a fence. I think he just looks board.

"I looked up and saw the face of Christ in the fence and I said, "Whoa," West said.

She called her sister Ana over to ask what she saw. She too agreed, it was the Son of God.

These are the kind of worshippers that I think most religions would like to send to another belief system.

"Hey maybe you gals would like to be hare Krishna's for awhile. They wear robes."
All I see is a knotty board. You can go ahead and play around with that sentence if you want.


  1. I think I see a squirrel holding a nut....nope no geesus...

  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Why is it that anything even remotely resembling a face, if it's male, gotta be jesus. if it's female, gotta be virgin mary. The whole did-they-even-exist question aside, how does anyone know what they looked like? No photos, no paintings, no carvings/statues, no nothing of either of them until hundreds of yrs after the fact.

    That piece of wood looks like a faded Peter Maxx one-eyed drawing of Ringo Starr from Yellow Submarine to me. ~~ D.K.

  3. Gee, I thought it was Osama bin Laden

  4. how come no one ever sees Buddha ?

  5. Buddha is way too classy to show up on a stupid fence.

    Besides he has all of those gold statues.

  6. you spelled "bored" with "board". Intentional perhaps?

    (Hey, could you email me back?... got some questions about your blog.


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