Saturday, September 01, 2007

Do you want to see Larry Craig's press conference done as a musical number? Well duh!

I may have to go into rehab to get off of this like I almost had to do to get off of the "Dick Cheney shot an old man in the face" story. But this is like "blogger crack" to me.

I am still waiting for his official "I am stepping down to spend more time with my family" speech today. Maybe after that I can go cold turkey.

1 comment:

  1. is gonna get better...
    5 bucks and I betcha there are Pages that come forth in the next 30 days...

    and I watched the old farts' presser- No contrition..he looks and acts like a real "Entitled" sumbitch...hmm, no geeesus yet either?

    well, I think you will just have to blog the hell out of it...go for it...


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