Friday, September 21, 2007

Jon Stewart seems as surprised as the rest of us at the demise of Nelson Mandela.

I swear the writers on the Daily Show are stealing money while making fun of this President. The jokes practically write themselves!

But it was a great show last night! Though I thought Bill Clinton came off a little stiff. (No pun intended.)


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM


    Stewart deliberately took a snippet of an important quote when he must have known what Bush actually wit:

    "Part of the reason why there is not this instant democracy in Iraq is because people are still recovering from Saddam Hussein’s brutal rule.

    "I thought an interesting comment was made when somebody said to me, I heard somebody say, where’s Mandela? Well, Mandela is dead, because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas. He was a brutal tyrant that divided people up and split families, and people are recovering from this."

    It's obvious what Bush meant and said. There are no Mandela-style leaders in Iraq because Saddam killed them...Got it?

  2. Oh I had no trouble understanding what mush mouth was saying, it was just hysterical hearing him mangle his point so badly that it sounded for all the world like he was saying that Hussein PERSONALLY killed Mandela.

    I mean he did say "Mandelas dead", rather then to say "The Iraqis version of a Nelson Mandela was probably killed during the ruthless regime of Saddam Hussein". See that is just too many words for Bush to string together.

    But since we are being all nitpicky, I also find fault with Bush's assertion that the reason that no strong leader has risen from the ashes of Iraq is because Saddam killed him. Our bombs have killed thousands of innocent Iraqis, what makes us so sure that their "Mandelas" body isn't buried in that rubble?

  3. Anonymous8:15 AM

    So you think Bush mangled his point because he used a metaphor instead of a simile? Hmmm.

    He was not refering to strong leaders, but rather to unifying leaders. What Mandela did after the end of apartheid was to prevent the new government from seeking revenge against whites. Mandela may have prevented the tragedy of a South African civil war. That is the sort of leadership missing in Iraq, where many non-Sunnis want revenge against the minority Sunnis for decades of brutal repression.

    In South Africa, the white rulers jailed Mandela, while is Iraq the Baathist rulers simply killed the Mandela-like (there, a simile - happy?) individuals. That was Bush's point, and I got it first time.

  4. Anonymous5:06 PM

    "What is morality? Who decides? Are we in charge of our own destiny? What is right? And what is wrong? Are these questions which can be answered? You betcha!"



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