Tuesday, January 22, 2008

After last night's debate Hillary and Barack are licking their wounds as Edwards basks in renewed media attention.

A simmering feud between Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama erupted into charges of distortion and exaggeration in a gloves- off presidential debate Monday, with Clinton accusing him of representing a Chicago slumlord and Obama countering that she was a corporate lawyer for anti-union Wal-Mart.

Even in the superheated atmosphere of their fight for the party's nomination, the statements and exchanges between Clinton and Obama were unusually acrimonious and personal. The debate came as the two campaigns continued to complain about dirty politics and disenfranchisement of voters in last Saturday's Nevada caucuses.

As Obama tried to defend his recent comments about Republican ideas and Ronald Reagan, Clinton interrupted and said she has never criticized his remarks on Reagan.

"Your husband did," said Obama, who has accused the former president of misrepresenting his record.

"I'm here. He's not," she snapped.

Obama followed this remark by saying "I can't tell who I am running against sometimes." Which was one of my favorite quotes of the night.

You know I have a lot of experience with bullies. I have unfortunately bullied others in my life, been terrorized by bullies when I was very young, and been a "bully buster" when I was in high school.

There is a dynamic used by a bully to intimidate or control his chosen adversary. He may often feel the need to bully out of jealousy or to get back something that he, or she, think they lost to the other person.

The bully often feels inadequate compared to his, or her, target. Being unable to compete in the same arena as his target, he needs to bring that person down to his level. Where he, or she, thinks they have a better chance of inflicting damage. They may use name calling, fabricate lies, or bother those that the target cares about to get them down to their level.

We saw these same techniques used by Hillary last night to make Obama feel defensive and begin to fight the Clinton kind of fight. And that was a mistake.

Hillary was able last night to scuff up Obama's shiny shoes and damage his untouchable image. She did not make herself look any better, but she focused on making Obama look worse. And she did not do it alone.

Hillary has Bill, and that has put Obama at a disadvantage. He is running against two powerful political opponents. And he may be outmatched.

He needs help. He needs John Edwards. Edwards demonstrated last night that he can keep his head in a dogfight and he can also keep the debate focused on the issues. And he can beat Bill Clinton. If it were an Obama/Edwards vs Clinton/Clinton match, the Obama/Edwards team would wipe the floor with them. That is not just my opinion, that is fact.

I think the time is right for Obama to reach out to Edwards and strike up an alliance. Edwards is essentially out of this race if he stands alone. But if he and Obama team up he can guarantee his chance to do all of the good work that he has been talking about doing. It is clear they like each other. It is clear they both dislike Hillary. So what is the damn hold up?

I would plead with them both to get together and win this thing! The time is now!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right..and really good of you to analyze the Bully mentality...it needs to be done....scuffed shoes and HOW and WHY they target....Obama needs to take a deep breath and say" Now Hillary, we need to focus on the issues. " It is time that he just calmly talk down to her, treat her like an Emotional Jr. Senator...and yes, he needs to reach out to Edwards....
    It is Time...

    NOW...about Hill...she went and had a private meeting with Edwards in HIS green room last night for 20 minutes after the debate.....If she went and tried to make nice- good luck...and if she went and tried to bring him to HER ( evil) side- again good luck....I have watched how he Watches HER...he does have her number......

    I hope and pray that his staff reads the blogs...and that they see how People want them to team up ....badly.....

    And to be honest he again WON the debate last night.....Obama is not good at arguing- and that is not a bad thing...He is a Thinker, a Problem Solver- I am glad to see that he is not some Hothead drawn easily into a fight....and I also do like that Edwards thinks fast and is a scraper...can take on Hill....she is all pumped up= not because she has some kind of great record...BUT because she has "Bill".....well..truth be told that does not represent leadership.....that just shows she saved ( cough..gag) a floundering marriage- and KNEW it would come in handy.....for HER...

    Sorry....but that is HOW I see it...

    And as a woman....it is pathetic...ot have watch a woman act like THIS...


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