Sunday, January 20, 2008

Against all odds McCain may actually become the 2008 Republican Presidential candidate.

I have said before that eight years ago John McCain would have been a formidable candidate for the Democrats to face in a Presidential race. I do not feel that is the case any longer.

That does not mean I don't think he may be the best choice for he republicans to nominate, because I do.

John McCain is not a bible thumper (Huckabee), or an empty suit (Romney), or an opportunist (Giuliani). John McCain is man of real passion about what he believes in.

Unfortunately what he believes in is the Iraq war. And that is a recipe for disaster in a national Presidential campaign in 2008. We will never elect a man who is pushing for us to stay in Iraq for the next 100 years.

Even those who were big fans of McCain are finding it much harder to like him in light of these very difficult policy beliefs. That may best illustrated by watching this conversation with Jon Stewart, who absolutely adored John McCain in 2000.

(This is in two parts, the second is directly below the first one.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    John McCain has wrapped up the Republican nomination with the SC victory. He is more intelligent, charismatic, & experienced than any other nominee.

    Interestingly, is not in use and for sale leading up to the election.


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