Monday, January 14, 2008

Crooks and Liars (a much more competent website then this one) also makes the Hillary/Karl Rove connection.

RUSSERT: Who had the better judgment at that time?
Senator Clinton briefly outlined why she voted as she did, that her vote was not one for preemptive war but for further UN weapons inspections, and that she had President Bush’s personal assurances that all avenues would be taken to prevent war, war as an option only of last resort.

Then a curious thing takes place. Rather than debate Senator Obama’s judgment with her own, there is a long, rather tortured argument over the consistency of Obama’s statements on the Iraq War, voting patterns over funding, and even questions about his political motivations. It was all rather perplexing to watch, seemingly taken from the Karl Rove playbook of attacking your opponent’s strength.

Sometimes it is a little isolating to have an epiphany that you are having all by yourself. When I started to notice that Hillary's campaign felt very much like something Karl Rove would do, and then started wondering out loud just where he was, I was the only one that I noticed doing so. Now I am not claiming that I was the first to make such a connection, I am simply saying that it is nice to see that I am not so far off of the beam.

I would love it if somebody would investigate whether or not Karl really is working for the Clinton camp. Especially since that would effectively sink her candidacy.

1 comment:

  1. this is THE issue..this is why she has gone Rovian and is playing any card , ANY card so that the Iraq issue is OFF the table...

    ( she would throw bill under the bus at this point to just get off the Iraq issue...anything..)


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