Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ed Schultz "Bill Clinton is lying!"

This is from Hardball yesterday.

Schultz is obviously correct here. I have been saying for a while that the Clinton's risk losing all of their support and the respect of the progressives in this country with these tactics, and this is further proof of that.


  1. Enigma NEEDS to see this! While I usually dread Hardballs, I actually looked forward to it yesterday, after tiring of hearing tennis balls thwocking around all day (Aussie Open). So it was a real treat to find the 1st half of HB was so right on! Hope you didn't subject yourself to the 2nd half (Rudy, Rudy, Rudy). Yes! The divisiveness of this power couple is really hurting the party. How many dems will stay home in Nov if she's the candidate? Add to that no repub crossovers. Why is this so hard for democrats to understand?

  2. WOW....holy crap....
    I can not believe he said that...sooooo true...

    And what DK said above is really amazing... dead on..

    Thank you for posting this....I really did need to see it...

  3. It is my honor to please my lovely red haired visitors. You are most welcome.


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