Sunday, January 13, 2008

Iran states the obvious.

"Some political factions in the U.S. are pursuing adventurism to help Bush to spread Iran-phobia in the region," Hosseini said at a weekly press conference. "U.S. officials should apologize to Iran, regional countries and the American people."

America has been caught in a number of false statements, exaggerations, and hyperbole about Iran for well over a year now.

We have lost credibility on this topic with the rest of the world, not to mention here at home, and are starting to appear as if we are desperate to start another conflict in the Middle East.

I have to say I am gratified that we have been unable, so far, to actually start a war over there. It was not too long ago that I was convinced, and I was not alone, that we were headed for war with Iran at any moment.

But I am certainly concerned that this administration is still so blatantly trying to start a conflict. It is to Iran's credit that they are getting so good at calling the administration on its bullshit. If it were not for the fact that Iran has quickly shown the other side of the story to us, and the rest of the nation, we might very well be seeing our brave American soldiers fighting a battle outside of Tehran right at this moment.

To be clear, we have Iran to thank for keeping us from engaging in another unnecessary battle. Not our current government.

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