Friday, January 25, 2008

Is it possible the Clinton's finally got the message?

Former President Bill Clinton said he might have gone too far in attacking Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton said on Friday, adding that both Democratic presidential campaigns should focus on issues.

"He said several times yesterday that maybe he got a little bit carried away," Hillary Clinton said on CBS' "Early Show."

"So we're all going to, on both sides I think, you know, try to bring this debate and this campaign back to the issues that are important," said the New York senator, who would be the first woman U.S. president.

It looks like after EVERYBODY suggested that the Clinton's might be losing support, they finally decided to stop acting like pseudo Republicans and start sticking to the issues.

Anybody want to bet how long this lasts?


  1. I don't even give it 24 hours ....( that is how long the LAST truce lasted that Hill offered up like rotten baloney...)

    Personally Hill needs a Humility lesson in SC_ she needs to lost to both Edwards and Obama....I hope and pray....

  2. From your lips to Odin's ears Enigma,

  3. well, I don 't know who Odin is- but if he is listening....


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When you get too sick of Bill & Hill, or need a break from the SC primaries, stop by & see my adolescent kung-fu pix, guaranteed to make you laugh.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.