Wednesday, January 23, 2008

John Edwards was on Letterman last night. I think that John McCain needs to hand over the title of "straight talker".

Edwards did a great job of making the case that he is the grownup in the Presidential field and even gets in a dig at O'Reilly.

I must give a hat tip to Enigma, over at Watergate Summer, who told me this was on. I had no idea.


  1. I'm so glad I checked here to find you've posted the WHOLE interview. I've only seen little bits of it today. Thanks! I'm hoping he aces out Hill in SC.

  2. rock....Thank You....

    ( he was great wasn;t he...I loved the part where he asks Dave to be "his Oprah"....and how he talked about the Debate in the Ditch- that said it all...)


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