Monday, January 21, 2008

Top Democrats tell Bill Clinton to "pipe down"!

Prominent Democrats are upset with the aggressive role that Bill Clinton is playing in the 2008 campaign, a role they believe is inappropriate for a former president and the titular head of the Democratic Party. In recent weeks, Sen. Edward Kennedy and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, both currently neutral in the Democratic contest, have told their old friend heatedly on the phone that he needs to change his tone and stop attacking Sen. Barack Obama, according to two sources familiar with the conversations who asked for anonymity because of their sensitive nature. Clinton, Kennedy and Emanuel all declined to comment.

This is some very good advice. I think that Bill is so fired up to get his wife elected that he does not realize just what he is putting at risk.

Personally I have lost tons of respect for the Clinton's in that last several months.

1 comment:

  1. So here is MY Question...this is HOW involved he is in her Campaign..HOW involved will he be in her Administration???? I think folks should ask? WHO is running here ?


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