Monday, February 04, 2008

100 feminists decide to support Obama because of Hillary's record as a Senator. Finally somebody is talking sense!

More than 100 New York feminist leaders released a joint statement Sunday afternoon criticizing Hillary Clinton and supporting Obama for president - evidence that Clinton's support among women activists has declined significantly in the days before the super-Tuesday primary.

Those endorsing Obama include longtime peace activist Cora Weiss; Katha Pollitt, columnist for The Nation; Pulitzer-prize winning New York Times writer Margo Jefferson; award-winning women's rights historians Alice Kessler Harris and Linda Gordon; Barbara Weinstein, president of the American Historical Association, and Ellen P. Chapnick, Dean for Social Justice Initiatives at Columbia Law School. Susan Sarandon and Francis Fox Piven signed on Monday.

"Choosing to support Senator Obama was not an easy decision for us," the group stated, "because electing a woman president would be a cause for celebration in itself." They "deplored" the "sexist attacks against Senator Clinton that have circulated in the media." But, they stated, they nevertheless supported Obama because his election "would be another historic achievement" and because "his support for gender equality has been unwavering."

The group based their opposition to Clinton on "her seven-year record as senator." Despite her recent pledges to remove troops from Iraq, the group stated, Clinton's "record of embracing military solutions and the foreign policy advisers she has selected make us doubt that she will end this calamitous war."

Damn am I glad that somebody is talking some sense around here!

The idea that we have to make our decision about who will be the leader of our country based on their gender or ethnicity is completely unevolved. It is the saddest, most pathetic, and simple argument one can imagine.

Oh I take that back. The saddest reason to vote for somebody is because we are told that if we don't we will be killed by al-Qaeda. But this runs a close second.

1 comment:

  1. wow....I think Blogger is acting up tonight..anyways...
    I love this post..Some Real Women speaking the truth and no being fearful of telling like it is...


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