Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hillary is running out of money.

Some of Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign staff have voluntarily chosen to work without pay this month, NBC News confirmed Wednesday.

Super Tuesday's mixed outcome has set up at least four weeks of frenzied delegate hunting for Clinton and Barack Obama, pitting his well-financed all-terrain campaign against her big state strategy.

Clinton acknowledged Wednesday that she loaned her campaign $5 million late last month as Obama was outraising and outspending her heading into Feb. 5 Super Tuesday contests.

Even though Hillary won both New York and California she is struggling because her message is the wrong message for today. She is too reliant on people remembering the past when most of us are looking to the future. As time goes by she will find herself having more and more trouble earning delegates in the primaries to come.

She has taken tons of money from lobbyists, Obama has not. Some of the lobbyists who have gifted her campaign with the most money are those from the defense industry and the health insurance industry. What do they know that we are not supposed to know?

The argument is that Obama is too young, but he is not as young as Bill Clinton was when he became President. And let's face it, NOBODY is really ready to be President until they have taken the job. There is a steep learning curve and what we really need to focus on is the intelligence and judgement of the potential President, experience being a Seantor or Governor is NOT enough. Obama was smart enough to see that allowing Bush the ability to invade Iraq was a mistake, Hillary was apparently not that bright.

Or perhaps she was that bright but made her choice to vote in support of Bush's Iraq policy based on not wanting to lose her next Senatorial election, which means she lacks integrity.

If you take race and gender out of the equation I simply don't know how anybody is attracted to the idea of voting for Hillary. And if you are basing your support simply on an accident of chromosome alignment is that really an informed decision?

1 comment:

  1. Well, it turns out that SHE says SHE lent the campaign money...BUT....on the Obama site it says SHE AND BILL gave the Campaign Money...does not even say when....hmmmm, gives a whole new perspective to Costly Mistakes....

    But if I find out that the Clinton Foundation is sponsering her Plight I will not be happy....

    And her staff is Now Unpaid ????what the heck..


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