Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do you want to see Chris Matthews give Ellen DeGeneres a "reach around"? Oh come on you know you do!

I feel badly for Matthews wife.

He fondles Ellen at the same time that he has her in a headlock. Those are the moves of a man who plays "grab ass" with his secretary and then claims that she loves it and she knows it.

By the way, who taught Chris to dance? I have seen epileptic fits with more rhythm.


  1. That was very disturbing that he had the gall to do that on national television in front of a live audience. Creepy, creepy man.

  2. When I first saw this on MSNBC this morning I thought he screwed up twirling her and caught her falling.

    Now I'm not so sure.

  3. Creepy has a NEW poster child....and seeing Tucker dancing was pathetic enough.....
    Poor Ellen...

    ( epilteptic Fits with more rythym???)

  4. oh shoot I forgot to say it- Obama is on AC360 tonite.....GOOD watch..


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It just goes directly to their thighs.