Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fish don't get cancer. Do they hold the secret to the cure?

Fish have been living on this earth for an estimated 400 million years. Some say that their endurance and willingness to brave the elements is largely due in part to the efficiency of their immune system. Not only the ability to fight off general disease, but also in part to their intolerance of cancerous cells in their bodies.

Scientists have been in cooperation with many cancer research and prevention facilities all around the world to study this phenomenon. Although the facts are clear that there is hardly ever any aquatic animals that ever developed this disease, even when directly exposed to cancer causing elements, the reason to why is still unclear.

Do fish eat too much red meat? No!

Do they smoke? No!

Do they get plenty of exercise, like swimming? Yes!

Gee I wonder why they don't get cancer? Morons!

Bush's attack on our education system is already producing stupid scientists.

Did you see how I deftly blamed all of this on Bush? That is from seven years of practice.

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