Monday, March 31, 2008

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming, through a tunnel?

Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, is to raise plans for a tunnel to link his country with America when he meets his US counterpart, George W Bush, next Sunday.

The 64-mile tunnel would run under the Bering Strait between Chukotka, in the Russian far east, and Alaska; the cost is estimated at £33 billion.

I might be much more open to this idea if the Russians had not increasingly been "accidentally" flying into our airspace.

Are they just looking for a likely spot to tunnel up into Alaska? You know this sounds suspiciously familiar to me.

Of course if this does happen then I could drive from here to China, or Spain, or Italy. That would be cool.

1 comment:

  1. Not so cool if you know the true state of the trans-Siberia highway. It is mostly a five foot deep river of mud when it's not completely frozen-over ice. I've seen photos from folks who've traversed it, and it ain't pretty!

    - Badtux the International Penguin


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