Wednesday, March 26, 2008

WTF is wrong with the Hillary supporters?

A group of prominent Hillary Clinton donors sent a letter to House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asking her to retract her comments on superdelegates and stay out of the Democratic fight over their role in the presidential race.

The 20 prominent Clinton supporters told Pelosi she should "clarify" recent statements to make it clear superdelegates -- nearly 800 party insiders and elected officials who are free to back any candidate -- could support the candidate they think would be the best nominee.

Pelosi has not publicly endorsed either Clinton or Barack Obama in their hotly contested White House battle, but she recently said superdelegates should support whoever emerges from the nomination contests with the most pledged delegates -- which appears almost certain to be Obama.

"This is an untenable position that runs counter to the party's intent in establishing superdelegates in 1984," the letter from the wealthy Clinton backers said.

"Superdelegates, like all delegates, have an obligation to make an informed, individual decision about whom to support and who would be the party's strongest nominee," said the letter signed by some of Clinton's biggest fund raisers.

You know I am getting Goddamn sick and tired of these bullying techniques of the Clinton people. Screw them!

But hey you just keep it up. Because the more these people show themselves to be arrogant assholes who do not care about the rules and will do anything it takes to make sure their candidate is the nominee, the more they help define how fair and honest Obama and his supporters are by contrast.

Who do you want to support? Another politician who believes that the "ends justifies the means", or do you want a new President who respects the rule of law and fundamentally understands why we have rules and guidelines?

You certainly know where I am on this issue.


  1. Thanks for this. I may not think much of Pelosi now, but if she gives in to this kind of scheming, she will have disrespected the will of the people, the popular vote, and that's akin to treason in my book.

    Not content to angle for the superdelegates, I saw today Hillary is claiming pledged delegates aren't really pledged, that they can vote their conscience. Oh and of course low-population states don't count (except in the electoral college where they have disproportionate sway, but don't tell her that because she's now harping about electoral votes being more important than the popular vote). Sheesh, I've lost track of all the shifts her campaign has made. The goal remains the same though: do whatever it takes to win!

    I posted what Carl Bernstein said about her pattern of lying today. You might find it interesting.

  2. Put out the welcome mat I am on my way over.

  3. So I come and you leave? where is the love? the welcome mat? the cofffee?

    Okay...about Pelosi..I have not always been kind...or maybe even fair to her...but I am going to hope and pray that she does the RIGHT thing on this- and I can not believe that these Entitled People are trying to basically Hold us all hostage "because they control most of the $$$$$"....hmmm, really ? so why did Hill have to lend her Campaign SO much money and bail it out....and still her money was way down this month...
    and now her Approval rating is in the toilet...gee I wonder why.....

    WHO are these Rich Entitled Hill people ? that wave Money and expect all of us to fall into Hilland?

    wow...stunning.... ( Tanya Harding 's race to the WH)


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