Friday, April 18, 2008

After all of Hillary's ugly political maneuverings Obama emerges as the strongest candidate against the Republican nominee.

Beulah Barton of Leesburg, Fla., said she initially backed Clinton, partly because she liked Bill Clinton's record as president.

"But the more I hear her talk, and the more I hear him talk, the more put off I am," said Barton, 69. "I think she's brash, I think she's rude. I get the feeling that she feels she deserves to be president" and doesn't need "to earn it."

It seems clear that Hillary suffers from the "curse of Giuliani".

The more the voters see of her, the less they want to vote for her.

1 comment:

  1. Beulah is dead right...
    all the way...
    and how Hill think she has won it...


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