Thursday, April 03, 2008

Another dream has died.

Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said on Thursday he would not accept the nomination for U.S. vice president as he did four years ago.

To be honest I had given up on the possibility of Edwards being Obama's running mate a while ago. I cannot tell you exactly when I gave up the ghost on this idea, but I know it was a slow process.

Originally, even before this whole Presidential campaign started, I was rooting for Edwards. I was a big fan even back in the 2004 election.

Then I thought Obama would make a good running mate for Edwards.

Then I flirted with the idea of an Obama/Edwards ticket.

And now I am left with nothing of that dream. In some ways it really is a sad day.

But you have to admit they would have made an amazing team.

So one more time, just for old times sake: OBAMA/EDWARDS 2008!


  1. I have to say.....I am sad...but I also think that he would make an awesome AG....and in my gut I have to say I am worried about Elizabeth....they are still homeschooling...and they have been so quiet...

  2. I think Bill Richardson has the Veep slot pretty much sewed up with Obama. And yes, Edwards would make a killer AG...


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