Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The good news: Prisons will soon be less overcrowded. The bad news: Because the military is allowing more criminals to enlist. This cannot end well.

Under pressure to meet combat needs, the Army and Marine Corps brought in significantly more recruits with felony convictions last year than in 2006, including some with manslaughter and sex crime convictions.

Data released by a congressional committee shows the number of soldiers admitted to the Army with felony records jumped from 249 in 2006 to 511 in 2007. And the number of Marines with felonies rose from 208 to 350.

Those numbers represent a fraction of the more than 180,000 recruits brought in by the active duty Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines during the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2007.
But they highlight a trend that has raised concerns both within the military and on Capitol Hill.

The bulk of the crimes involved were burglaries, other thefts, and drug offenses, but nine involved sex crimes and six involved manslaughter or vehicular homicide convictions. Several dozen Army and Marine recruits had aggravated assault or robbery convictions, including incidents involving weapons.

So the military are going to take men with a documented problem with authority and following rules and place them in an environment filled with multiple stressers and easy access to large caliber weapons.

It does not exactly take a Nostradamus to see the future on this one now does it?

1 comment:

  1. There already is tremendous resentment among the military in Iraq. I wonder if this will lead to armed mutinies there.


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