Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I found this on the Drudge Report under the heading "Barack loses his cool on campaign trail"

Now I watched this thing and came to my own conclusions but I don't want to color anybodies judgement here.

You watch the video for yourself and reach your own conclusions.

Feel free to leave your opinion in the comment section.


  1. My first impression was Where the hell is the Secret Service? How did this guy get to bug a candidate at all?

    My second impression is that Obama looks tired.

    My third impression is that this is not news or newsworthy.

    It would be nice if the media would focus more on the issues and less on the personalities of those we must choose from.

    What do you think of a possible Gore run? Nothing like giving McBush a hand up...

  2. The Secret Service was that guy that kept standing between the autograph hound and Obama. The one with absolutely no expression.

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM

    The guy looked like a "plant" to see if "someone" could get obama to loose his cool. I think he handled it well considering the guys was really in his personal space and being overly sensitive and pushy.

  4. And, so, what did YOU think about it?

  5. I think he still got WAY too close- there was a post over at Huffpost about it- apparently this guy has been causing trouble on the trail- and is a problem- and to be honest I wish he did have more secret service....I agree with 6-6 I think he needs more protection.....

    too close- something about the guy is not right....

    Obama was fine....

    ( was he a Drudge plant?)

  6. Well I agree with both my daughter and Enigma about the fact that Obama handled it very well and the guy was a tool who did invade his personal space and did not deserve any special consideration.

    I also agree with jmbc that Obama looked tired, but I do NOT agree with DRUDGE that he lost his cool. As we know Barack NEVER loses his cool.

    But hey if this is all the other side has to throw at Obama then bring it on.


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