Saturday, April 19, 2008

Obama attracts a HUGE crowd in Philadelphia last night.

With just days to go before the Pennsylvania primary, Sen. Barack Obama last night appeared before thousands of roaring supporters in Independence Mall, and pledged to "declare independence" from Washington politics.

"In four days, you get the chance to help bring about the change that we need right now, Philadelphia," Obama said. "Here in the city and the state that gave birth to our democracy, we can declare our independence from the politics that has shut us out, let us down, and told us to settle."

In his first public Philadelphia appearance, Obama stood on stage before the Independence Visitor Center, addressing a rapturous crowd of roughly 35,000 that stretched all the way to Independence Hall. His warm up acts included, lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas.

35,000? That is a bigger crowd then the Rolling Stones bring in!

Maybe those polls showing Hillary well ahead of Obama are wrong.

Come on Philly! Show the pundits and pollsters that you cannot be put in a box. Vote Obama!


  1. I have the Speech he gave Linked to my title- and it is amazing...and the crowd was soooo quiet...
    and listening....

    NOW....also do go to Redheaded Wisdom...she has the Bill Maher Clips with REAL Folks from Pa- yup and they are Bitter talking about WHY they support Obama....
    ( you probbally already saw....but it was an excellent show..)

  2. 35,000 lucky souls! Woo hoo!


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