Sunday, May 18, 2008

Christians change their focus from attacking literature by trying to ban "Harry Potter" books, and turn to caffeine by attacking "Starbucks" cups.

A Christian group based in San Diego found grounds for outrage over the new retro-style logo for Starbucks Coffee.

The Resistance says the new image "has a naked woman on it with her legs spread like a prostitute," Mark Dice, founder of the group, said in a news release. "Need I say more? It's extremely poor taste, and the company might as well call themselves Slutbucks."

The group, which claims more than 3,000 members nationwide and has found a place on the fringe advancing various conspiracy theories, is calling for a national boycott of the coffee-selling giant.

Okay maybe this is just me but I would TOTALLY be willing to get my coffee from a place called "Slutbucks".


  1. In Seattle...we had only one name for them...Starfucks....and that was because it was overpriced from day about the Mermaid...lordy...she doesn't even have legs..

    ((( I took 6-6 to a Potter Party one summer when the New Book came out at MN, and Come Local Biblethumpers came and protested...and nothing was funnier than seeing a bunch of little kids with robes and hats waving wants at them trying to get them to "DISSAPPEARO !!!"....obviously did not work...))

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    "has a naked woman on it with her legs spread like a prostitute," Mark Dice

    How does Mark Dice know what prostitutes do with their legs?

  3. Maybe that is his ONLY exposure that he has had with naked Women...jus sayin'

    Nothing Worse than Mermaid Descrimination....

  4. These Bible thumpers have too much time on their hands.

    I thought the message of Jesus worship is helping the elderly, the sick and the disabled? Instead, they're going after Starbucks?

    But of course, these are the same whack jobs who say all life began on earth 6,000 years ago.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.