Monday, May 19, 2008

Hillary says she should stay in the race because Karl Rove says she can win. Oh yeah, Democrats should definitely trust Karl Rove.

Hillary Clinton defended her reasoning for staying in the presidential race Monday afternoon by pointing out that Karl Rove's analysis shows her to be the strongest candidate against John McCain in November.

“There has been a lot of analysis about which of us is stronger to win against Sen. McCain, and I believe I am the stronger candidate,” said Clinton, repeating a line from her stump speech.

Then she veered from her usual argument.

“Just today I found some curious support for that position when one of the TV networks released an analysis done by - of all people - Karl Rove, saying that I was the stronger candidate,” said Clinton. “Somebody go a hold of his analysis and there it is.”

Hillary's desperation is causing her to get careless.

Many Democrats, myself included, have believed that Karl Rove has been helping the Clinton campaign for quite some time now.

Of course Karl wants everybody to believe that Hillary is the strongest candidate. Because he knows what every intelligent person does, that having Hillary as the Democratic candidate is the only hope the Republicans have of winning. Or else he may personally have a vested interest in having Hillary win.

Perhaps an agreement not to launch a criminal investigation against him and his old boss perhaps?

Remember that it was Karl Rove who first decided that Hillary was destined to be the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. well some of us all along thought they ( the Clintons) were getting advice from disgusting...but yet....oddly not really shocking was it ? and they shpwed her on Countdown talking with such pride about it...omg.


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