Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hillary's debt grows to 31 million!

No wonder Sen. Hillary Clinton was so late filing her required campaign financial reports Tuesday night. Her political team didn't want the shocking news in it to overshadow her lopsided thumping of Sen. Barack Obama in Kentucky.

But here's the morning after, pay-up time. Clinton's campaign debt has now soared to nearly $31 million, according to numbers crunched early this morning by The Times' campaign finance guru, Dan Morain.

She added another $9.5 million in unpaid bills to vendors this past month alone, pushing her total debt to vendors and herself to the new astronomical figure, about a 50% debt increase in one month.

You know I keep hearing rumors that Hillary is trying to strike some deal to get Barack to help her pay down her debt before she bows out of the nomination process.

But I keep wondering if she is trying to sabotage his campaign by having him attempt to get donors to help pay off her mountain of debt.

Any money that Barack raises to help her is money that he cannot use in his own campaign. This is just more help the Clinton campaign is giving to Republican John McCain.

By the way if how a candidate runs their campaign really is indicative of how they would run this country I think we can see that Hillary would quickly plunge this country into even more debt then George Bush has managed to bury us in during his two terms as President.

She just needs to get the hell out of the race and then hold a giant garage sale to pay her bills. After all she says she represents the average American, and that is how we do it.

1 comment:

  1. this is insane....why should she be allowed to continue...she really behaves like a pantsuited princess....

    she should sell some of those....that might help ...oh wait..who would buy them ??


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