Friday, May 16, 2008

Huckabee jokes about possible Obama assassination. Humor lost on every rational person on the planet.

During a speech before the National Rifle Association convention Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee — who has endorsed presumptive GOP nominee John McCain — joked that an unexpected offstage noise was Democrat Barack Obama looking to avoid a gunman.

“That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he's getting ready to speak,” said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. “Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor.”

There is nothing even remotely funny about this comment. Not even remotely.

Deep in the subconscious of every Obama supporter is a very real, horribly frightening thought that Obama may be too popular of a black man to not have some crazed redneck, or neo-con ex-military sniper, try to take his life.

We never speak of it, but it is always someplace in the deep scary recesses of our brains.

To have Mike Huckabee make a joke about it is so tasteless and idiotic that it makes me wonder if he actually understands just how possible such a thing may truly be.

The last man to run for President with the charisma and talent of Obama was Robert Kennedy, and we all know how that sad story ended.

But the possibility of this happening is even more frightening. If somebody were to do Barack harm it would quite literally tear our country into pieces. It would anger the liberals to a such a degree that they would take to the streets to vent their rage. They would be met there by an almost rabid group of African Americans and what happened next I shudder to even contemplate.

Our country would be be ablaze, and nothing our leaders could say would appease the angry heartbroken citizens.

So I certainly hope that somebody takes Mike Huckabee aside and tells him that the next time he thinks of a Barack Obama joke to kindly keep it the fuck to himself!


  1. Thank you for blogging this Fuckabee "apologized", chickenshit that he is- he just issued a statement through the press.....( the asswipe will now probally be offered VEEP...)

    I am still really really angry about this...

    ( I have had SS friends...I can tell you right now they would be livid about this....and the ones we saw here in February work so hard to protect him...unreal...I meant what I said they should take him in a back room and Educate him .....)

    Either he knew exactly what he was saying...or he has the IQ of a baked potato....

    I do think that Freudian Slips are indicative of WHAT he carries in his biggotted little heart...

    and the shithead did it IN Kentucky where Obama is currently campaigning....

  2. sorry I did not mean to cuss so much....kind of lost it...I will now go put 3.50 in the Obama jar...


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