Saturday, May 17, 2008

McCain misses last chance to win upcoming Presidential election.

There's a limit to how far John McCain will go to win over young voters. Wearing a dress on national television crosses that line.

The 71-year-old grandfather and Republican presidential contender said he hopes to use his appearance this week on "Saturday Night Live" to reach out for the youth vote.

"I think Senator Obama has done a very good job with young voters; we have to do a good job as well," McCain said, referring to the leading Democratic presidential contender, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.

McCain said he expects the show's writers to decide how to best use him, but he declared there will be no reprise of the cross-dressing appearance once made by former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.

"Ah, no," the Navy veteran said when asked if he would agree to wear a dress.

Well that is that.

McCain has just lost the 2008 Presidential election.

If he would have agreed to wear the dress he could have tapped into the vital, but often ignored, "conservative cross dressers" voting block.

But now these poor isolated voters will continue to feel disenfranchised and McCain's campaign is surely doomed to fail.

All he had to do was notice how dressing in drag had benefited Hillary Clinton. Idiot!


  1. naaahhh , I think it came down to Rudy had better legs for it...

    ( crossdancing McSame..urgh...that would definently make me lose my cookies...)

  2. crossdressing ..

    It was pretty boring actually...and kind of lame...


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