Sunday, May 25, 2008

Palin administration lied about scientific disagreement among scientists about danger to Polar Bears.

A newly released e-mail from last fall shows that the state's own biologists were at odds with the Palin administration, which has consistently opposed any new federal protections for polar bears under the Endangered Species Act.

The state's in-house dispute seems to refute later statements by Gov. Sarah Palin that a "comprehensive review" of the federal science by state wildlife officials found no reason to support an endangered-species listing for the northern bears. The governor invoked the state's own scientific work both in a cover letter to the state's official polar bear comments, and in an opinion piece published in the New York Times.

Steiner spent five months trying to get information about how the state reached its position, saying he suspected biologists were overruled for political considerations. He said last week it's ridiculous for the state to promote a conference on polar bear science while refusing to release its own experts' scientific opinions on the issue.

"Even the petroleum-loving Bush administration couldn't find a way around the science on this issue," Steiner said. "This perpetual denial of environmental harm posture is what gives Alaska a very bad image nationally and globally."

Ignoring or refuting scientific information that conflicts with the reality that you want to be true?

Whose administration does that sound like?

In this changing political climate it is ignorant for the Republicans to assume that they can continue to lie to people about scientific controversies in order to continue in a direction that is harmful to the planet and to the creatures that call it home. And that also includes human beings. If you think we are not going to be affected by these climate changes then you must not be reading the newspapers lately.

I am tired of politicians who vilify scientists and dumb down the population in order to inflict their bad policies on this state and our country.

I will no longer give Sarah Palin a free pass. She has shown she is not a different kind of Republican, but one that simply camouflages her indifference to science and our ecological needs with deceptive talk and political manipulations.

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