Tuesday, June 17, 2008

According to Bush criticizing Gitmo is "slandering America".

During an interview with President Bush on Britain’s Sky News yesterday, Sky political editor Adam Boulton noted that while Bush talks “a lot about freedom,” there are many who say that some of the Bush administration’s torture and detention policies represent “the complete opposite of freedom.” But Bush quickly snapped back, saying those criticizing his policies are slandering America.

No sir, those who are "slandering America" are those who have led it away from its core values.

Those who have traded away our individual freedoms for government control over its citizens.

Those who have allowed our country to be categorized with China, North Korea, and Iran when it comes to human rights violations.

Those are the people who have "slandered America".

So Mr. Bush, any of those sound familiar to you?

1 comment:

  1. You've gotta read the article on the NY Post about this. It's disturbingly funny. It's called "Bush's Senioritis."


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