Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gay marriage just as disappointing as regular marriage. Well I feel better now.

Four years after Massachusetts became the first state to allow gay couples to marry, there have been blissful unions, painful divorces and everything in between.

Some same-sex couples say being married has made a big difference, and some say it has made no difference at all. There are devoted couples who have decided marriage is not for them, couples whose lawyers or accountants advised them against marrying, and couples in which one partner wants to marry but the other does not.

And here I thought it might just us straight guys who cannot sustain a marriage. Guess not.

I assume the only real difference between traditional marriage and gay marriage is that you can wear your spouses clothes without everybody staring at you and pulling their children close as you walk by.

Personally I think I looked stunning.


  1. have been busy over here...tidying..and ahhh, a post about marriage....whelp....I knew that you would feel this way ;-)

    Me....20 years was plenty...yup...
    done that been there...


    Anyways...Soooooo HAPPY FATHER's day...I hope that the boys were nice to you and treated you to some burned waffles and a bad movie...and maybe some hotdogs....and maybe some goodies and I hope your Daughter called...

    hope it was a good one...

  2. Thanks.

    I hope you weren't blinded when you first came to visit after my upgrade.

  3. I survived the snowblindedness..thanks...I came over with my cool sunglasses....but now see that cool blue is I feel silly...

    ( you are on a roll here)....

  4. Yeah I really hated coming here and being confused for a minute as to where the hell I was.

    The Immoral Minority is a cool blue political website. As far as I know it is the ONLY cool blue political website. Being white made me look like everybody else.

    And that aint me.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.