Sunday, June 22, 2008

We must protect Obama at all cost.

"I haven't seen this much anger in a long, long time," said Billy Roper, a 36-year-old who runs a group called White Revolution in Russellville, Ark. "Nothing has awakened normally complacent white Americans more than the prospect of America having an overtly nonwhite president."

Racial hatred is alive and well, and Obama's very appearance is going to send some of these inbred morons into a murderous rage. We must be prepared for the absolute certainty that somebody, somewhere will try and make a name for themselves by attempting to assassinate the first African American President in our history.

If they were to be successful it would tear this country apart in ways that would take generations to repair. So it is in everybody's best interests, whether they be conservative or liberal, white or black, Republican or Democrat, to keep this man out of harms way.

Every time we get a leader of real vision he is struck down before his message of hope can transform our nation into one that reaches it's true potential. A nation where equality is not just a word but an actual guideline that Americans live by each and every day.

So this time it may fall to the average citizen to help safeguard Obama from the very real possibility of harm.

If you read any chatter on a website talking about assassination, report it.

If you are at a rally or speech and think the security is not adequate, let somebody know.

If you stumble across a blog or website that is preaching racial hate against Obama and other ethnic groups, make a phone call.

This is our candidate and if he is going to keep his promises to us, then perhaps we should make a promise to him. We will step out of our comfort zones and make sure that ANY possible threat to Obama is dealt with in the most expedient manner possible.

Remember "we are who we have been waiting for".

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