Wednesday, July 09, 2008

According to the most recent Gallup polls Obama is making gains among the less educated.

McCain has been leading Obama among the more ignorant voters in the country.

I would also like to point out that many of these were once Hillary supporters. I am just saying.

Maybe this is just me but I would be horribly offended if I found out that most of my supporters were slack jawed knuckle draggers. That would make me wonder just what my message was and if I was smart enough to run this country. I mean these are the Bush supporters, and we know how stupid they were!

I always hope that visitors to this blog are erudite geniuses with impeccable taste.

Well I only said I was hoping.


  1. oh great we have to root for the dumb people....

  2. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Slack-jawed knuckle draggers!? That's awesome... they can't be Minnesota constituents then can they?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.