Friday, July 04, 2008

I wonder if I can get tickets online?

GOP strategist Karl Rove and former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards will debate the issues of the presidential campaign Sept. 26 as part of the university’s Distinguished Speakers Series, The Buffalo News has learned.
As surrogates for the parties’ standard bearers, the two also could square off more than once at other locations around the nation.
I have little doubt that Edwards will eat Rove's lunch for him.
Maybe Edwards can also ask Rove how he sleeps at night knowing that he has helped sent thousands of brave Americans to die for a lie? I would pay a lot of money to watch turdblossom struggle with that one.


  1. oh this is very exciting...
    Happy 4th ;-)

  2. you think rove will wear a hidden mike like his boss had to?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.