Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Iraqis insist they will not sign an agreement with the US that does not contain a timetable for withdrawal of the troops.

Iraq's national security adviser says his country will not accept any deal with the United States unless the agreement sets specific dates for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces.

The comments by Mouwaffak al-Rubaie come a day after Iraq's prime minister first said publicly that he expects the pending troop deal with the United States to have some type of timetable for withdrawal.

President Bush has said he opposes a timetable.

Al-Rubaie told reporters Tuesday the country "will not accept any memorandum of understanding that doesn't have specific dates to withdraw foreign forces."

Look I know I have posted about this twice yesterday, and now again today, but this thing should be leading the network news every night.

I mean the Iraqi government says it is okay for our troops to finally come home. They say they have it under control. So what is the argument?

All the US has to do is work out a deal to get all of the American troops and civilians out with the cooperation of the Iraqi government and we can call it a day.

If anybody connected to the Obama campaign happens to read this article please bring it to his attention, because he should be talking about this in EVERY speech that he gives from now until election time. All he needs to say is that the Iraqi government, that we helped to establish, want us to leave now and the Bush administration and John McCain are refusing to go. And as the next President he would respect the sovereignty of the Iraqis and honor their wishes. It is a no brainer!


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

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  2. Anonymous1:09 AM

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