Saturday, July 26, 2008

Off to go fishing.

I am getting loaded up to start my drive to Kenai this morning.

I am taking the kids for an afternoon of dipnetting.

Oh joy!

I actually am not much of an Alaskan when it comes to sports fishing or hunting, two activities that I rarely if ever engage in.

And for me dipnetting is particularly troubling as it is really just a matter of "gathering fish", there is no real sport in it as it simply entails scooping them up and putting them in your cooler.

I talked to my daughter last night, who absolutely loves to fish, and she reminded me that dipnetting is "cheating". I have to agree with that sentiment.

But I will suck it up and go, since we were invited by a good friend, and I am sure it will be an adventure.


Update: Trip was cancelled due to my friends flu-like symptoms. I can only hope to deal with my sense of loss in as a brave a manner as possible. LOL!


  1. I was fly fishing for salmon on the Russian River several years ago and pulling in and releasing one catch after another. An old indian gent had been watching me and at first I thought he was just impressed with my fishing skills. He walked down the bank past me and
    stopped for a minute to watch me release another catch. He calmly said to me, "You shouldn't play with your food!". His statement had a real impact on me. After reflecting on this for some time I now only fish for what I can eat.

  2. well...unless explosives are used to bring the fish the surface it is not cheating said a friend of mine who worked for Fish and Wildlife....

    so you seem soooooo crushed that you could not go....oh darn ;-)



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.