Friday, July 18, 2008

When is a timetable for withdrawal not a timetable for withdrawal? When the Bush administration refuses to say they were wrong.

The United States and Iraq have agreed to seek "a general time horizon" for deeper reductions in American combat troops in Iraq despite President Bush's once-inflexible opposition to talking about deadlines and timetables.

Iraqi officials, in a sign of growing confidence as violence decreases, have been pressuring the United States to agree to a specific timeline to withdraw U.S. forces. The White House said Friday that the timeframe being discussed would not be "an arbitrary date for withdrawal."

What the fuck is a "time horizon"? Just call it what it is. It is a timetable.

And not only is it a timetable, but it is one that the Iraqis are forcing the administration to accept or look like they are not respecting the very sovereignty of the elected Iraqi government that we have been told our soldiers are over there risking their lives to support. In my opinion that is the best kind of timetable.

This is great news for Iraq, for Barack Obama who has been calling for the troops to come home, and for the American people who have watched their countries resources squandered to pay for this unnecessary war.

But with this war coming to a close what will John McCain run for President on? A war with Iran? Not now that we are in negotiations with them. Will he run on his economic plan? Not as long as he keeps Phil "Nation of whiners" Gramm as his economic advisor. See the problem?
(Update: Apparently Phil Gramm has stepped down as McCain's economic advisor and left the campaign entirely.)

And he can't even increase his war rhetoric about Afghanistan because Barack already beat him to it. McCain must be kicking himself that he chose to push the wrong damn war. I mean there were only the two choices and he picked the wrong one.

Is there anything left for McCain to run on? Well I certainly hope he is not going to try and win voters over with his sense of humor.

Now more then ever this election is Obama's to lose, let's hope he breaks the Democrat curse and actually wins in a blow out.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really believe Gramm will leave totally...I am not buying it...they just stuffed him in the on board bathroom in the back of the bus and told him to shut up...


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