Sunday, August 24, 2008

Group of protestors in Denver yell "F**k Fox News" while being filmed by Fox News. Video is NSFW even though it aired live on Fox.

Well there may have been a better way to get their point across, but I certainly cannot argue with their sentiment.


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    what a doofus, don't you believe in free speech ? when only people like rupert murdoch can buy and sell it, it aint free Biff or Kip ro whatever that db's name is. Great on camera F-bombs too guys.

  2. okay- so this Doogie Houser of a reporter- that was the best they could do ??seriously....sad...

    ( Leftist Protestors ???what the hell does that even mean- what these idiots are hoping for is a Seattle WTO- What if they don't get it- ???are they going to try to create it??)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.