Thursday, August 14, 2008

If I had not been planning to vote for Mark Begich already I sure as hell would be now!

Calling the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law a disaster for Alaska, U.S. Senate candidate Mark Begich today released his education plan calling for a return to local control, major new investment in early childhood education, and federal incentives to retain quality teachers in rural communities.

Begich's plan, Respecting Local Education Values, Preparing Alaska's Children toCompete Globally, is designed to improve educational opportunities at every level, from universal pre-K education to affordable college and vocational education.

"Making sure our children have the best education possible to reach their highest academic potential is critical to the future of our state, but it is also very important to be personally," Begich said.

Meeting with teachers, others in the education field, and the media at the historic Pioneer School House in Anchorage, Begich noted that as the father of a young son, and the son of educators, improving education in Alaska is a family tradition.

"Clearly, No Child Left Behind is not working in Alaska," Begich said. "It started with good intentions but spiraled into disarray. It is hurting Alaska families and communities. It needs to go. "

Begich said the more than $70 billion of federal funding promised with NCLB has not been delivered. The key components of his education plan include:

Restoring Local Control - Begich supports getting rid of NCLB and working on a new education policy that will allow Alaskans, not Washington, D.C., to decide what's best for educating Alaska's children. Begich believes the federal government should support schools, but let local communities run them.

Helping Alaska Children Reach Their Highest Potential - Begich believes the nation must invest in schools for the good of children and society. Additional support could be used by school districts to obtain high-quality curriculum materials reflecting 21st century literacy skills; information technology for all students; improved teacher salaries; and focused recruitment to bring Alaska graduates back to the state's towns and villages as teachers.
Investing in Universal, Voluntary Pre-K - Begich supports federal support for early learning programs for every Alaska child through funding of voluntary, universal pre-Kindergarten education programs.

Expanding Alaska Native Education Opportunities - Begich supports more funding for Alaska Native education programs at every level and increased flexibility in federal standards allowing for the integration of traditional ways of teaching and learning.

The plan goes on for a little bit longer, but you get the gist.

As anybody who has visited this website before can tell you I have nothing but contempt for NCLB (No Child Left Behind). In my opinion it is legislation designed to dumb down the public education system so that the government can justify giving vouchers to private schools so that the children can be taught about Christianity, Creationism, and the lie of Global warming science.

It is a nefarious plan to create a population ignorant enough to fall for the Republican talking points and it must be stopped.

I am extremely proud that my future Senator understands that, and will take steps to put a stop to this educational cancer in Alaska.

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.