Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Imagine how liberating it will feel to have a President who is not a national disgrace.

We have sent to the Olympics the greatest athletes that America has to offer. And accompanying them is the biggest embarrassment America has ever produced.
I must give a hat tip to Crooks and Liars from where I "borrowed" this picture.


  1. So true. And even if (heaven forbid) McCain wins, it will still be true. He may get mixed up about stuff but at least he's not a total sophomoric moron like our current president.

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Is this from the same event where he had to be sat down by three of his babysitters because he was so hammered ?

  3. Well I would like to thank you for your eloquent and well reasoned opinion anonymous. We do so enjoy hearing other points of view here at the Minority.

    But if my choices are either paying more taxes or watching my country slide deeper into financial ruin, or watch my countrymen sent off to die in an unnecessary war, or see partisan politics destroy the credibility of our justice system, then anonymous my friend please bring on those higher taxes. I am more then ready to pay my fair share to support this country that I love.

  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Right said Gryphen!

    And just a reminder to Mr. Anonymous, the 10% of the top are not paying taxes at all under this administration. We need another Democrat in the White House who, like Bill Clinton, will balance the budget.

  5. What does that feel like again? I'm so friggin' numb from the past eight or so years that I cant recall that feeling? Hell... I can barely feel my fingertips at this juncture...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.