Thursday, August 28, 2008

The man who helped John McCain to draft his health care plan says the solution is to change the definition of "uninsured". WTF!

This is a quote from John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis, a right-leaning Dallas-based think tank. And the man who helped craft Sen. John McCain's health care policy:

"So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman said. "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care.

"So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved."

This is what the Republicans are famous for. They do not solve problems they simply work to redefine them. Where do you think the phrase "Partial birth abortion" comes from? Or "Tax and Spend Liberal"? Or "Catastrophic Success"? Or "Death tax"? Or the "War on Terrorism"?

If you think about the real definition of each phrase you realize it is complete gobbedly gook, but it still finds its way into our lexicon and the next thing you know even the Democrats start using them.

It is time for us to stop letting the Republicans destroy our language in an attempt to manipulate us into not noticing just how broken and empty their solutions really are.

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