Monday, August 25, 2008

McCain continues to woo Clinton supporters and attempt to create division within the Democratic party. Will it work?

You know when I read things like this I always imagine what would have happened if the situation had been reversed? What if Obama had come up short? Would his strongest supporters, the African American community, have decided to vote for John McCain?

And the answer is, no. There would have been disappointment, anger, and the feeling that they had been cheated. Perhaps a number of them would have refused to even vote, but they would NEVER have decided to vote for John McCain!

Any Democrat that is so childish and short sighted as to vote for the Republican simply because their Democratic choice is not the nominee is simply a traitor to this country. No true patriot would ever allow the Republicans to continue pushing this nation into perpetual war, or support the continued erosion of our personal freedoms, or cast a vote for the party that has worked so hard to erode America's reputation in the eyes of the world.


  1. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Thank you...Whenever I've offered this juxtaposition, I've been shouted down with charges of using some hell-borne apparatus called a "race card."

    Democratic ideals have and always will trump personalities as long as the Republican Party displays it's sometimes flagrant, but usually coded, indifference and disdain for "me" and many of my concerns.

  2. Traitorous is a mighty powerful word. Now if someone on the Republican side were to switch their vote to Obama, and I called them a traitor, just what would your comment be?

    I say that ANYONE who votes for Obama, is a traitor. No presidential candidate in the last 100 years has had such a underlying agenda to destroy the United States from within as this man does.

    This country is moving closer and closer to a socialist country every day we get closer to the election, and once Obama steals the White House, it will put the final nail in the coffin.

    I hope you are happy that you are supporting the fall of the United States of America.

    To Anonymous, I ask what is this "flagrant, but usually coded, indifference and disdain for 'me' and many of my concerns" that you are referring to?

    It is our role as voters to vote people into office that will do the most good for the strenght and prosperity of the United States of America. They are NOT there for ME.

    People really need to get away from this "all about me" mentality.

    Galactic Dreamer

  3. I don't even know where to begin to argue with your interpretation. Essentially if you took every fear you expressed about Obama and flipped it around to define the Bush Presidency and the 2008 version of John McCain, it would represent an accurate description of my point of view.

    Here let me sum it up for you in a few words.

    We have virtually destroyed our economy under the Republican leadership, lost our credibility around the world, and become a country that tortures innocent people. I did not use the word "traitor" lightly. But that word is a very accurate description of George W. Bush and his supporters.

    A true patriotic American would fold themselves in half to get this regime and their cohorts, and yes this John McCain qualifies as a "cohort", out of office. I am not usually somebody who sees things in simple black and white, but in this case I do.

  4. Gryphen - why even try to reason with this guy? I admire you for trying, but he will never listen to a word you say, never actually think about content in a meaningful way. He will hate who he is told to hate for the reasons he is told to hate them. He cannot be reasoned with, clearly. He talks about Obama's hidden agenda to destroy our country as though he were privy to a wealth of verifiable facts.

    These "facts" do not exist. There is no "there" there. But yet he keeps talking. You arrive with facts in hand for your blog and he will tell you where your "t" wasn't crossed, and how not crossing that "t" not only nullifies all the facts in your story but also makes you a terrorist. Absolute garbage. And he is calling all those service men and women voting for Obama traitors. Pure anti-American filth.

    He makes the Lone Gunmen look, I don't know, less paranoidy. Of course, we know those guys were right. Just ask Chris Carter.

    I would entertain a reasoned discussion with someone with whom I disagree if they relied on verifiable information instead of Rush Limbaugh talking points or aspersions cast by Fox anti-News. GD is not one of those people, clearly.

    Regarding the post (I know, long-winded tonight), I firmly believe that there are women who want a woman to be president so badly, they don't even care what that woman stands for or what party she represents. Furthermore, there are also some people who wanted HRC in office because they fondly remember the Clinton years. For the most part, these people were not Democrats anyway. So, in the end, like GD above, they are just Republicans, stirring a substance-less but still fetid pot.

    Cheers Gryphen!


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