Thursday, August 21, 2008

McCain's war has fizzled out. It is time for "terrorism" to rear its ugly head to help the Republicans get elected.

John McCain's campaign office in Denver, Colorado, has received a letter containing a threat and "an amount of white powder in it," a McCain campaign spokesman told CBS News'

Michelle Levi. "We immediately notified local and federal law enforcement agencies and are looking to cooperate with them," McCain spokesman Jeff Sadosky said.

This has got to be the most pathetic attempt to scare the voting public that I have ever seen.

Look Bruce Ivins committed suicide so who is the McCain campaign going to blame this on? Iran? Russia? The Democrats?

Sure it could just be a prankster not affiliated with either campaign but if I had money to bet, I would bet that it will lead right back to somebody working on the McCain campaign.


  1. those damn hippy "liberal extremists"- yeah= remember they ( HLS)put all those extra Guard in Denver- to protect WHO? and there are rooms rented for them and everything....( what do they think there is gonna be a hurricane ??)

    not ..
    they had to create a reason for them to be there....

    Rovian ? yes ???

  2. They are all becoming comical.

  3. Or another "ism" to rear its head by way of the US meddling...Let's say "Communism"...How's that for an ism from the past?

    Is that a color coded alert I see flashing across my television screen?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.