Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New group has formed called "Republicans for Obama". Wow that must really get under McCain's skin!

The Obama campaign hopes to attract hundreds of thousands of Republicans to support the Democratic candidate in November, said three GOPers who hosted a conference call this morning.

The three Republicans -- former Iowa Rep. Jim Leach (who formally endorsed Obama today), former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee, and former White House intelligence advisor Rita E. Hauser -- announced the formation of "Republicans for Obama," which will launch a Web site in the coming days that will be a clearinghouse of information for Republicans who want to learn more about the Illinois Democrat. The site will highlight the differences between Obama and McCain on the issues and let them know where they can go to see the candidate and how they can help in his election effort.

"From my perspective, this is simply not a time for politics as usual," said Leach, arguing that the portfolio of issues that will be passed on to the next president would be as daunting as any since World War II and would therefore require "inspiring, new, political leadership" and the kind of change he believes Obama's platform offers.

Leach, Chafee, and Hauser cited the presidential hopeful's approach to foreign policy and to the economy as reasons for supporting him over McCain, saying the Arizona senator would continue Bush Administration policies -- from the war in Iraq to an unwillingness to engage enemies in direct diplomacy -- that have hurt America's standing in the world and its financial stability.

Chafee said “we’ve seen our credibility shattered” over the last eight years. Added Leach: “The prospect that we’ll have more of the same -- that is the source of angst of many Republicans around the country."

Hauser also pointed to the difference between the two candidates' response to the conflict between Russia and Georgia as evidence of the need for a new kind of foreign policy. She said McCain's statements had indicated a bellicose and confrontational approach to dealing with Russia, while Obama had focused more on involving world organizations and working towards reconciliation.

I would just LOVE to be a fly on the wall over at McCain campaign headquarters right about now. There must be some serious hand wringing and hard drinking going on all around the campaign.

The Obama magic is simply unstoppable.

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