Monday, August 04, 2008

New Obama ad that takes on John McCain's so called "energy policy".

I have seen the MSM calling this an attack ad.

I am not sure that those idiots even know the difference between a political ad and an "attack ad" anymore.

1 comment:

  1. If the ad had left out the implied bribery of "John McCain supports tax breaks and the oil companies gave him $2 Million", then I'd agree with you. A cause and effect is implied, but unless you have Alaska-style hotel video recordings, impossible to prove.

    While it's very mild for an attack ad and one could argue it isn't much of one, I can see the MSM (SCLM) labeling it one.

    Now, labeling Obama's support for a compromise energy bill that gives him part of what he wants in renewables in exchange for more offshore drilling as a "flip flop", that's crazy talk.


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