Sunday, August 31, 2008

Okay for the sake of argument, let's say Trig Palin really is Sarah's baby. But then we have to contend with these facts.


  1. I think Sarah Palin having the vaginal muscles of a gladiator is not only plausible, but probable.

  2. Gryphen,

    Is this really the timeline? Because if it is, that just seems completely unbelievable to me that any woman would wait that long after her water broke to get to a hospital. (Full disclosure: I lift weights, so ALL of my parts - lady and otherwise - are Coliseum-ready!)

    I know she is experienced at giving birth, but this seems extremely far-fetched for any woman.

    I told my husband that this rumor seems untrue because the child has Down's Syndrome and I didn't think teenagers gave birth to children with Downs. He corrected me - a girl in his hometown gave birth to a Down's Syndrome baby while she was in high school.

    This just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but now it's just turned sad for me. If it's true, I feel very bad for the daughter.

    I guess it's possible that a woman in Gov. Palin position wouldn't want anyone to know she was pregnant because it might affect the public's perception of her as a female politician, but now I can't help but wonder if the truth was hidden to prevent a scandal.

    The site Dlisted (I know, please don't judge) has a photo of the family before Trig was born. The oldest daughter seems to have a baby bump to me.

    Sad story.

  3. NEW RUMOR: Trig Paxson Van Palin is the son of Bristol Palin and Trooper Mike Wooten. It explains everything.

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I think Palin should not have accepted the VP offer knowing that surely there would be unwanted attention on Bristol once this became news. What a monster. Threw her child under the bus for political fame.

    That graphic is hilarious.

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM


    Excellent graphic...

  6. Anonymous10:59 PM

    dude, your blog is hilarious! keep the posts coming! LOL~~

  7. Anonymous12:06 AM

    If Trig really is Sarah's kid, what about her decision to have a FIFTH child in her mid-40s, when her odds of having a Downs syndrome baby have gone up to 1 in 25?

  8. Anonymous11:10 AM

    You liberal idiots! You are all so two faced. Of course the baby is Sarah's. I like the fact that Bill can do what he did in the Oval Office, and that's ok, but Sarah who's life is far more outstanding then any of you looser bloggers has to be put through this rediculous scrutiny. You guys are just pissin in your boots, cause McCain's up by 10 points.

  9. Anonymous 11:10

    I was browsing the old posts here on IM and noticed your comment. Must suck to be wrong.


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